Sasha A Ridley Enterprises, LLC

Sasha Ridley realized that she had a sincere passion to understand and help those around her by helping empower and build others. This came as no surprise as Sasha's childhood was plagued with confusion of herself, fear and communication issues while masking the emotional pain she constantly felt. Before reaching a point of self-realization, Sasha constantly asked herself questions such as, "Who am I", "Why am I here", and questioned whether her circumstances were real or just a horrible bad dream that she couldn't seem to wake up from. In Sasha's upcoming memoir, The Relational Mindset, she talks about the struggles she faced as she braved her issues with communication, allowing herself to be vulnerable, shame and love. This process to uncover the woman hidden deep within her wasn't easy as she had hoped. Sasha first had the face herself. Sasha's journey is one that has caused her experience homelessness, physical abuse and mental and emotional torment. Being a single mother and demanding a better life for her daughter, Sasha knew she had to give her daughter a life than what she had and it was a necessity to break the cycle. Sasha never neglected her first passion, people. Due to this deep and intense passion, she became certified as a Relationship Life Coach and birthed Sasha A Ridley Enterprises. As a Relationship Life Coach, Sasha affectionately serves both males and females in effort to help them create their unique relationship goals and unpack some of the issues surrounding self-worth, unhealthy dynamics, toxic patterns, communication, and goal setting