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Products & Services

Caring for ourselves in a meaningful and sustainable way can be way harder than it looks. And connecting with others beyond the surface can be tough too. We offer resources, classes, and events to help make it easier.

Let's Make Healthy Happen ... Together.

Resources to Host Your Own Social Hour

Lots of digital goodies to help you host your own social hour - a hosting guide, activities, handouts, and more. Learn the fundamentals and discover some customizable fun to meet your group's needs.

Join an event or get support for your own

If you're in the Chicago-area and looking for live in-person hangouts be sure to visit our events page to learn more about upcoming events or ways to have your own facilitated event. We also love to hear from local businesses to collaborate on unique offerings.

Dig Deeper with Our Online Class

This self-paced class offers engaging, research-backed ideas combined with reflective experiences to take your self-care process to the next level. Think of it as journaling 2.0 with a taste of self-care coaching mixed in.

Get Support: Counseling & Coaching

Looking for more a more personalized experience to focus on your own goals? Counseling or coaching allows for an in-depth set of extended opportunities to better understand the psychology behind your self care. Schedule a consultation call to see if it's for you.

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About Me

Kelsey Wild, LCSW, founder of Self-Care Social Hour.

Motherhood, social work, my own mental health struggles and my father’s illness and death made me a reluctant self-care convert. Now it’s my mission to help others find their own power through a community of self-care.