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somniscope book cover showing a fiery skull in oranges and purples


A dreampunk convergence

~ Features Shimaira's short story "Reset"

Somniscope: a device used to facilitate the exploration and study of dreams.

Dreampunk: a progressive genre of speculative fiction centered on dreams and dreamlike states of consciousness.

Convergence: the point at which multiple distinct entities come together to form a unified whole.

The visionary minds behind Mirrormaze: A Dreampunk Anthology are back in force with a book that defies categorization. Is it a collection of short fiction? Sure. A multi-author novel? That too.

Turn on, tune in, and blast off into a dream like no other! But fair warning: Once you enter the world of Somniscope, you may never again feel at home in your waking life.

mirrormaze book cover showing a person with clouds around their head


A dreampunk anthology

~ Features Shimaira's short story "Visual Snow"

We find ourselves in a very strange place.

Technology is embedded so deeply in our lives that it no longer feels separate. It's taken for granted, like breathing. Whatever can be imagined can be experienced, if not in the "real" world then somewhere else. Somewhere better. This is our new reality. We live inside our heads, in our dreams.

Come navigate a labyrinth of visions, illusions, nightmares, and fantasies. Explore the nascent genre of dreampunk with 22 of its finest authors as they examine and transform the dreamscapes that we call our lives. Get lost among the twists and turns, ascending to the upper limits of both wonder and dread.

Do you dare enter the Mirrormaze?