When my nieces and nephews were younger, we had these wonderful and vast conversations. Great thoughts came from their refreshing and new observations, imaginings and attention to art, science, history, news, events and society at large. And then something happened.
After great persistence, they each received their first "smartphone". And during a rare occasion thereafter when they visited me, I would turn off the television and internet, and we would again have these wonderful discussions. They were compassionate about all living things and optimistic about the future. And then like a light switch, once it was time to go, they would turn on their "smartphone" to see what intrigues they missed (but never did), and the spectacular conversations would end.
At one point, deep into the "teens", I was excited about an impending visit to delve into one of our old conversations. I was curious about a recent travel one of them had overseas. I consciously decided not to ask about this journey over the phone or through a cold text. But rather, I decided to wait to have an in person conversation to capture the mood of the events.
I am from that generation that drove in the car long distance without DVDs, playstation, spotify or candy crush to entertain us. Just the local radio station and an occasional bucket of chicken from a rest stop. And we had to wait in line (prioritized from oldest to youngest) to use the landline telephone. So I know how to wait.
So when the time came to hear about this teenager's journey overseas, I was surprised by the careful responses and a final clamp down response, "Why are you interrogating me?" I wasn't so much hurt as I was surprised. I said, "When I was growing up they called it a conversation." That was it.
Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—
3 who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases,
4 who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion,
Psalm 103:2-4
Over the years, parents have often dropped them off their children for an extended visit hoping I could fix them I suppose. How could I? Their parents were usually diametrically to the solutions that resolved the issue. It usually wasn't so much the children who needed repair as it was the parents who trained them.
Smartphones had become to teens what Disney movies were to children. It was parents time to get away and these devices were convenient (no so cheap anymore) relief for them to get away while still in the room. Meanwhile whatever tiny problem they had festered into an emotional eruption. Like most youth, they just needed to feel seen and heard. That's it.
The pre-teen or teen mood of the moment was often just that. It was just a fleeting thought. But they needed their parents attention as children do. It (the attention) really needed to be from them.
But I couldn't fix their parents. And any good that was done was intentionally undone as if it was a competition. However, most parents do not realize that no one can compete for their job. And I certainly didn't want it. I just cared.
Their parents had placed the "smartphone" in their hands with tracking devices with the good intent of protecting them. But they failed to have deep meaningful hands on life, liberty and pursuit of happiness conversations at the forefront without the technological devices.
Like all young adults, they want to know, what is my purpose? What really matters in life? What is good character? How does one attain it? Does God really matter? If so, how will my life ultimately profit God?
I personally may not be able to help them. But perhaps this blog will help your children.
In time, they will likely return to their good senses. It could just be the normal teen-sensation like to Rubik's cube and the pet rock. These devices are all still relatively new. When used in moderation, they have a good place in society.
But with the onset of Ai and ChatGpt being used to replace normal conversation, good mental health, and dare I say it, God, we are in a dire place in society where we may need to stop and contemplate our position.
We once enjoyed quiet walks along the canal where we fed the geese and ducks. They knew the difference (between geese and ducks). I did not. We attended museums. Observed art.
They gave me a new perspective with their fresh eyes. Perhaps one day, before or after they start their own families, they too will hunger for authentic conversations, personally formed opinions, and a personal connection to GOD. Hopefully they won't wait that long.
I have also observed that society is trying to gather free spirits like me into their nets. I went to see the plan. Now that I see it, I am appalled at the audacity.
But fortunately, I have a real living GOD who notifies me of what is not true and authentic to my soul. I am an original creation guided by my Creator to be unlimited and authentic. And so are you.
Divine rules like the 7 Noahide Laws and the Ten Commandments are wonderful tools to navigate us towards good morals, ethics and proper conduct. Wisdom is a timeless compass that helps keep us out of harms way. Boundaries keep the ocean from flooding the earth. It also keep us out of deep doo doo when it comes to governments, corporations, and people that don't have our best interests in mind or heart.
When you have the divine rule Book (Tanakh), you have the rules for wisdom and an authentic life. It's personal. Each person has his/her own path to spiritual enlightenment. Although all eventually come to the same place however lifetimes it takes to learn, evolve and get there.
Balance is key. Just something to think about or perhaps discuss at your next family gathering.
btw have you checked out our BRANIAC cup in our merch gift shop? Yeah, we carry that.
If you enjoyed this read, then check out our blog, Testing 1,2,3. You may like that too.
LeTicia Lee
Author MyLoveisOne.com Third Edition COMING SOON!
Producer MyLoveisOne-TellThem.com
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13 Happy is the man that finds wisdom, and the man that gets understanding.
14 For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold.
15 She is more precious than rubies: and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her.
16 Length of days is in her right hand; and in her left hand riches and honor.
17 Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace.
18 She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her: and happy is every one that retains her.
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