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Truth Rising and the Royal Dozen

These are strange times. Some see it as sorrowful. Others see it as a necessary spiritual human soul cleansing and yes even an awakening for those who will.

Society is making fast but necessary survival shifts due to climate change, the shift from oil to clean sustainable fuel/energy, and a removal of the dark veil of ignorance known as racism which impacts us all. The right moves can and will determine the future of the whole human race. You know the phrase: united we stand; divided we fall.

However, when I say "united we stand", it is conditional. Those who unite by faith for that which is good, just and right according to God's divine laws with stand.

Others who unite for evil will still fall. That is the law. It always has been that way and always will be. It's as accurate as the laws of gravity.

Most of humanity's history has been recorded by a biased few. Unfortunately a great deal of it has even been "reconstructed" (mostly by white supremacists) to display caucasians as the super-heros of our societies. However, upon further microscopic inspection nothing could be further from the truth.

Bring My sons from afar, and My daughters from the ends of the earth—7 everyone called by My Name and created for My glory, whom I have indeed formed and made.” Isaiah 43:5-7

What generally happens with any lie that is perpetuated is that it can only go so far from the truth before it topples. It's not built on anything sound. If the foundation is damaged (distorted), everything that stands on it inevitably crumbles. It's just a matter of time. History has repeatedly proven it to be so.

When the "cure" is needed and sought, the truth must eventually be told. However, in order to see the truth, the lies must first be uncovered, destroyed, and removed. After all, truth can not stand on a pile of lies. It's very nature requires a clean and solid foundation.

That, my friends, is where we stand in history. The lies are breaking down so that the truth can heal, restore, and blossom. Like any life affirming garden, we must first uproot the weeds.

People say, it started in the beginning of Genesis 1. But I say no. In the beginning GOD created the heavens and the earth. That's it. That's everything. The rest is simply unfolding.

We all originally spoke One Language, Hebrew. We were One Family. Then, like in some families, there was dissension. Dissension often begins when one member wants what belongs to another member.

Then someone starts "babbling" (a.k.a gossiping) about another etc. Then the plots, lies, and revenge ensues. You know how it goes. So let's say the "big crack" happened at Babylon. The initial, even more major, one happens before Genesis 1 in the Bible, but you'll have to read about it in My Love is One.

Every time, we see "Babylon" or "Egypt" in the Tenach (Old Testament Bible), it just means, "ways that are contrary to God's ways". There is only Israel vs Egypt.

"Israel" and "Egypt" are not locations on the map per se. They are referred to (in the Bible/Tenach) as states of being or acting in faith in God vs. trusting man made idols.

The priests did not ask, 'Where is the LORD?' Those who deal with the law did not know me; the leaders rebelled against me. The prophets prophesied by Baal, following worthless idols. Jeremiah 2:8

So where do we stand? Discover, uncover, restore and teach the TRUTH or perish. That's all.

Only if these decrees vanish from my sight," declares the Lord ," will Israel ever cease being a nation before me." Jeremiah 31:36

What is the truth? What is the "Royal Dozen"? Listen and share the podcast/vlog playlist for that.

You may also like The Power of Prayer Watch all four episodes of My Love is One TELL THEM! .


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