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Featured Collection

Pretty Eyes Thick Thighs


Live Laugh Lock and Load glitter and non glitter file


Bite The Bullet


Stay Trippy Little Hippy


full access to all designs in my store

It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year


Holy Night


Merry & Bright


Vintage Christmas Vibes


Put Christ back in Christmas


Merry Christmas


Christmas Calories Don't Count


I'm Freaking Jolly


We Wish you a Merry Christmas


Welcome Christmas into your heart


Santa Baby


When your dead inside but its Christmas Tumbler Wrap


Oh Christmas Tree Oh Christmas Tree My Skinny Jeans are History!


I want a Hippopotamus For Christmas


Candy Cane Coffee & Cocoa Junkie


Gingerbread Bakery Made with love


Candy Cane Wishes


Trick Or Treat


Thankful Turkey


Poppin Queen


full access to all designs in my store

It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year


Holy Night


Merry & Bright


Vintage Christmas Vibes


Put Christ back in Christmas


Merry Christmas


Christmas Calories Don't Count


I'm Freaking Jolly


We Wish you a Merry Christmas


Welcome Christmas into your heart


Santa Baby


When your dead inside but its Christmas Tumbler Wrap


Oh Christmas Tree Oh Christmas Tree My Skinny Jeans are History!


I want a Hippopotamus For Christmas


About Me

I began designing my own graphics when i started making Epoxy tumblers. I fell in love with it then and still love it today! I have always had a crafty side. I was very fortunate enough that I was able to go to a school that really focused on the arts. However digital art is very new to me and I am still learning all that goes with it. I am a wife to an amazing man, we have seven beautiful children three boys four girls and a granddaughter, and another grandchild on the way. We live in Arkansas on a beautiful farm. I appreciate all your support as We continue this graphic journey. I look forward to seeing what you create with my designs! Happy Crafting! Always taking requests for new designs dont forget to join my Facebook group! and check out the business page on there as well.


***File will not have the watermark as pictured

*This is a DIGITAL file of a printable PNG download - no physical product will be shipped!

*This PNG is great for creating sublimation products, invitations, framed art, shirt print, pillows, cushion, cups and so much more!
[Important Note: Please make sure you have the required software and knowledge to use this graphic before making you purchase. We do not offer refunds for digital download.]

*Please note resolution and final colors may vary from screen to screen and printer to printer.

| Additional Important Information - Please Read |

-This digital download is for personal and small business use only. Commercial and mass production is not allowed.

-You are allowed to sell transfers without the purchase of a commercial license.

Please Do Not:

(*You may add your own text)
*Change or alter the design in any way.
*Claim the design as your own.
*Gift, share, or sell the digital file. Each person using this design must have their own receipt of purchase.
*Upload the digital file to any sharing site.

We do not offer refunds for digital downloads.

Apologies but featured bundle sections are not yet available

We can only support featured digital and physical products right now. We'll be working on featured bundles in future as soon as we can.