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Frustrated with your current path in life?

Want to shift up energy and productivity, but don't know where to start?

I can help you clear the clutter and kickstart your goals. Let's talk!

Executive dysfuntion. Vapor lock. Brain fog. Any of this sound familiar? Does it get in the way of moving forward?

Been there. Done that. I've watched my friends do the same. Happy with what they're doing, but not how. Or not happy with any of it, but stuck.

I've been coaching for a decade, guiding friends, family, and clients to their goals, in focused ways that work for them. Whether you're looking for guidance on creative adventures or you're staring at a career shift, we can untangle the way forward.

Let's work together!

Safe, Happy, and Whole

Step Through Coaching is dedicated to inclusivity. I not only support the LGBTQ+ community, I'm a member! Your privacy matters as much as your goals and you have my promise to respect both.

Satisfied Clients

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Kim balances empathy, creativity, and determination to keep me outcomes-focused, honest, accountable…and kind to myself. After years of working together, I trust her to offer insights, motivation, and brain hacks that help me achieve my goals.

— Chris Friend, Assistant Professor of English

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Kim has a unique talent for helping me look at ongoing issues in a different way, and offering useful suggestions to accomplish my everyday tasks and larger career goals. Her guidance assists me with staying on track so that I am confident that nothing on my to-do list is being neglected. In addition, knowing that Kim is aware of what needs to get done, helps me to stay on top of my workload and helps prevent procrastination.

— Carolyn Westbrook, WDC & CDC+ Supervisor

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Working with Kim has transformed my life for the better in ways I never could have imagined. Before I started, I felt stuck; unsure of how to move forward. Kim’s coaching provided me with the guidance and support I needed. She empowered me to take action towards my goals. With her accountability and encouragement, I have been able to break through limiting beliefs and make positive changes in my life. Her practical, lived-experience techniques and perspectives have been invaluable in helping me navigate challenges. I am forever grateful for the impact Kim has had on my growth.

— Shawna Rowan, Editor

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Working with Kimberly Miller has truly transformed my personal and professional life. Her unique approach towards coaching made it easy for me to recognize my weaknesses and convert them into strengths. Even though I am no longer in need of regular coaching, I still reach out to her from time to time for guidance. She is not just an excellent coach but a supportive friend and a valuable sounding board. I wholeheartedly recommend her coaching services to anyone looking to improve and grow in their lives.

— Lisa Nicole, Owner at Vintage Vocals (Senior Care Entertainment)

Kimberly Miller

Author, Editor, Gamer, Geek. Coach. And pathologically organized!

When I was a kid and found myself confined to my room for Things Kids Do, I would gut every shelf and the entire closet - so I could clean everything and put it back. I had notebooks filled with future plans; one year, five years, ten. I was always looking forward, considering action at every turn.

Growing up only changed the nature of the plans. I'm still determined to live the life I envision, keeping it all fun and pragmatic... and above all, productive!

In addition to a loooooong stretch of experience, I am a certified coach and a member of the IAPO International Organization of Professional Life Coaches.