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Welcome to Stitch Glimpse, my art studio where I create with fibre.

I made my first stitches on straight needles when I was a child. My grandmother helped me to cast on and then thought me a knit stitch. I continued practicing with a scarf in garter stitch.

After several weeks, it was a very long scarf… since I did not know how to bind off, I kept adding new rows.

A lot has changed since then. I taught myself how to wheel and spindle spin. I tried dyeing yarn and fibre. I began processing fleece to have more influence on what and how I spin. Also, after many years of break, I returned to weaving, and all that with tons of knitting in the background.

I am curious about the world. Exploring and crafting reveals calming energies in me.

So I create.

You can find out more about what I do on
