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3 Things You'll Love About the Global Explorers Club

It's engaging.

With engaging stories and living books, creative art prompts, and many hands-on learning opportunities, you’ll help nurture your children’s passion for learning while exploring our wonderfully diverse world.

It's organized.

An easy-to-follow curriculum takes the stress out of planning. Each unit study has been carefully curated and organized for you in an online curriculum planning tool, freeing up your time to enjoy the learning journey alongside your children.

It's flexible.

You have the freedom to move through the Global Explorers curriculum at your own pace, guilt-free. The curriculum planning tools allow you to easily customize each unit study to your family’s needs.

About Me

Hi! I’m Jillian, a homeschooling mama to two children and a passionate advocate for lifelong learning. My mission is to help others in the journey of educating children at home. I want you to feel supported and successful, and I hope the Global Explorers Club can help make your homeschooling journey easier.