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Nice to Meet You!

My name is Alyona and you may know me from my Instagram and TikTok accounts called TheLowCarb_Kitchen.

At the beginning of 2021 I was told that I could never eat the same again. No longer would I be able to enjoy my passion for cooking or indulge in the very thing I loved most – food! Or so I thought. I didn't know where to begin and who could help me to live a low carb lifestyle. I tried researching as much as possible and listening to different experts, and while it was interesting to hear about the science behind a low carb diet, most of the meal plans I found were as boring as I feared. I took it upon myself to start experimenting. I tracked every carb and calorie I ate and searched for the most delicious foods I could cook and combine into meals that reduced my carb intake as much as possible. Making the change to a low carb diet was hard at first, but as I continued to learn more and try new approaches to cooking, my entire life changed for the better. All my blood results became normal. I started feeling more energised. I felt like I had my life back! And on top of that I now see abs in the mirror every day!

In 2022 after spending over a year experimenting with food and changing my lifestyle, I decided to help those who are in the similar situation to me or just want ideas and recipes for their own low carb journey. I started sharing low carb recipes on social media and was happy to see so much positive feedback from people all around the world!