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Are You "Over Planning" Your Speech Therapy Sessions?

I used to think that I had to have it all figured out by the time my patient walked through the door..... or by the time I walked through THEIR door. However, therapy sessions (just like life) warrant flexibility.

I grew up a "control freak" and needing everything to be "just right" so flexibility is something I have had to work on through the years of being a Speech Language Pathologist. Yes, it might sound appealing to some to have a perfectly planned out therapy session with every therapy activity going perfectly according to plan, however, this isn’t realistic. Also, a perfectly planned out therapy session may not be what the patient NEEDS.


I’ve learned that lives are messy and one day a patient might need one thing and the next day, they may need something totally different.


Perhaps the patient just got a new _____ or found just found out they’re _____. Maybe since the last visit, the  patient realized they’re having trouble  with XYZ or they can’t seem to figure out ___________. To deal with spontaneous events (and even varying emotional or mental states), it’s important for both SLPs and patients to stay flexible in therapy sessions.

At the end of each therapy session, my patients and I generally have ideas of activities we can do next time or what direction we want to go in—— but who knows what could change from session to session? That’s why we keep open minds!

Here are just a few things I notice that happen when I allow more room for spontaneity or flexibility in therapy sessions:

  • I am better able to acknowledge how patients are feeling at THAT MOMENT (aka what THEY are in the mood for)
  • Patients and I are better able to focus on what the most recent challenges they have had related to their goals
  • The flexibility forces “in the moment” critical thinking (which is good for both myself and my patients)
  • The flexibility allows more opportunity for necessary counseling and/or education


Can you relate to any of this? How do you feel about having set plans for therapy sessions? Do you walk in sometimes rigid OR flexible? Let me know in the comments and as always, have some amazing therapy sessions!

-Dana (The Neuro SLP)