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How to Use Home Smart Devices in Speech Therapy
More and more people are using home smart devices these days. In fact, it is estimated that in 2021, over 40% of households had some type of smart device in their home. The most popular home smart devices are Amazon Echo, Google Home, and Apple Home....
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The Speech Language Pathologist's Role in Patient Self Advocacy
“But what will I do without you?”This was what a patient asked me once. Even though we had been working together every week for months, the patient still wasn’t feeling “ready” for discharge. This was a pivotal moment for me in my clinical practice. ...
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Are You "Over Planning" Your Speech Therapy Sessions?
I used to think that I had to have it all figured out by the time my patient walked through the door..... or by the time I walked through THEIR door. However, therapy sessions (just like life) warrant flexibility. I grew up a "control freak" and need...
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Considerations When Selecting and Using External Memory Aids (EMAs)
If you are an SLP who works with patients with memory challenges, you know that one of our responsibilities is to help them with their EMAs--- external memory aids. We review the purpose/benefits of EMAs and the wide range of types of EMAs. We also t...
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Addressing Poor Insight in Neuro Rehab Patients
“But What If My Patient Has Poor Insight?” It isn’t uncommon for individuals with neurological changes to have reduced insight into their deficits. By this, I mean trouble identifying their weaker areas, not being able to tell when they are doin...
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Different Ways to Monitor Progress in Speech Therapy
It’s easy to think a patient is not making progress because they haven't reached our beloved "80% accuracy" therapy goal. However, I encourage you not to sabotage the patient's treatment plan or underestimate the qualitative gains your patient could ...
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3 Mistakes Speech Language Pathologists Make When Writing Goals
In my 10+ years of experience as an SLP, I’ve seen a lot of therapy goals. I’ve supervised students, worked with other SLPs, and even had SLPs send goals my way for feedback. There are three common mistakes I often see SLPs make when writing goals. I...
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Brain Injury Awareness Month: TBI Related CEUs for Speech Language Pathologists
By now you may know that I’m an affiliate for Medbridge Education. But what you may NOT know is that even before becoming an affiliate, I used MedBridge's online CEU collection to learn a lot more about my clinical interests. CEUs are one of the...
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Can text to speech be used in speech therapy?
Can Text-to-Speech (TTS) Be Helpful in Speech Therapy?
"But what exactly is TTS?" I've gotten this question several times from Instagram followers after posting Instagram stories about TTS has helped some of my patients get back to hobbies such as readingBut how many people really understand what TTS? ...
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Long Covid and the field of Speech Language Pathology
7 Things Every SLP Should Know About “Long COVID”
7 Things Every SLP Should Know About “Long COVID”No one was prepared for the immense impact the COVID-19 pandemic had on our world. The entire healthcare system and society as a whole are STILL systemically recovering from it. Furthermore, many peopl...
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5 Love Languages: How Can Speech Language Pathologists Show Compassion to Patients?
Years ago I read the book "5 Love Languages" by Gary Chapman. The concept that there are different ways to EXPRESS love (also known as compassion) was very intriguing to me. The concept was so intriguing that I started thinking about the different wa...
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GUEST BLOG: "Dialectical Thinking in Speech Language Pathology"
Did you know that more than one thing can be true at a time, even when those things seem to contradict each other? This concept is called dialectical thinking. Dialectical thinking is "the ability to view issues from multiple perspectives and to arri...
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Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs): What Are They and Why Do SLPs Need Them?
PROMS are tools used to capture patient’s experiences (before, during, after treatment). They can help describe what is happening or how the patient is being impacted “ACCORDING TO THEM”.I love PROMS and I rarely ever do any evaluation without using ...
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"But My Supervisor Uses Workbooks"
Decades ago, it was “common” to see SLPs pull out workbooks for therapy sessions---particularly for cognitive communication therapy. We now know that was wrong. The research in our field over the past 30 years has proven that using generic workbooks ...
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GUEST BLOG: Hispanic Heritage Month: "Supporting Latinx Patients"
Latinxs are one of the fastest growing demographics of people in the United States. As this diverse population grows, the gap in disparities in healthcare continues to widen almost as quickly. The Latinx community was impacted by COVID-19 at higher r...
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