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Are you tired of searching for love all night, only to be left drained? Here at The Blood Bond Agency, we take the pursuit of marriage seriously, because in the world of vampires, ‘till death do us part’ takes on a whole new meaning. But fear not, we believe true love is more than eternal, it’s immortal.

Embrace the night

Eva de Silva - Matchmaker

BBA: Book 1 - Dead and Married


BBA: Book 2 - Stake and Fries - LIVE 2024


Para Cozy Bundle US$9.99

Andie Low

Andie is a multi-genre author, finds joy in crafting stories that bring smiles. Her unique humour, often leaning toward the dark side, adds a distinctive touch to her work. Readers should be prepared for a delightful twist of humour that adds a distinctive flavour to her work, challenging conventional norms and leaving a lasting impression.