Pre-Nicene Christian Bookstore & Donation Hub

If you're not reading the same bible as the first Christians in 144 A.D. you're reading just another book. The Very First Bible is not only the foundation of faith that virtually every denomination traces its canonical roots back to - it's also the only place you'll find the gospel preached by Paul the Apostle.

Everything listed here is provided at no cost. You will find the full array of digital products produced by the Outreach Office of the Marcionite Christian Church - publishers of The Very First Bible and producers of the award-winning First Bible Network. The church has already saved thousands of lives with their religious RNA vaccine exemption forms and verification database - a complex enterprise provided free to anyone who asks. Want to help?

The best donation we could receive from you is your prayers. However, if you want to know your money will be directed 100% to the Pre-Nicene evangelical effort, select something from the listings and decide what you want to give.

Rather donate using bitcoin? Click here - no exchanges or sign-ups.