Stories with Tori

Hello my name is Tori (short for Victoria), most people call me Vikki but I answer to a variety of names!

I am a teacher, currently living and working in Africa. Over the past year my partner and I developed a volunteer organisation called 'Seeds of Hope' and have been implementing creative workshops with children in marganalised areas of society.

Our inspiration stems from our committment and ethos; 'Give children the chance to play'. 

In my spare time I always daydream of different characters and stories that I wish to write about that are influenced by my travels and surroundings. 

The first book I wrote was '希望Xīwàng - Hope', whilst I was living and working in Taiwan, Asia. 

My stories are not only influenced by my travels and adventures, but also by my love of nature and animals! 

I have now made the first step to raise more awareness about the topics my stories are about; I hope that you enjoy reading them.

Thank you for your support and consideration.

Happy Reading!

Love Tori x