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About Me

Hey everyone! My name is Marissa. I want to share with you a project I have been working on during our current global pandemic crisis.

While I started my second term as an OT student, I noticed the ability to pinpoint important topic areas was difficult. There was so much information and I frankly, had no idea what stuff was worth my memorization and what stuff was fluff.

While studying for the national board exam, I utilized all of the popular means.Except I still felt like I needed to make study notes that put everything into simpler terms and simpler format. I wanted to know exactly what I needed to have memorized as a soon to be OT.

So, I compiled a concise study guide with everything I could fathom as necessary to commit to memory. It’s not EVERYTHING you should know or should have learned in school, but I believe it is the most valuable resource to have on hand while studying (again, either in school or about to take the board exam).

Life just got a whole lot easier!