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The official eBook store and story page for the Vicendum fictional project by Daniel Arnold.

Vicendum is an alternate Earth. It is set in the present day, over 40 years after The Great War. That war pitted the forces of the Roman Empire against the forces of The Crimson Roses. The Roses are a federation of democratic states, who went to war with Rome with the intent of spreading democracy to the Empire.

The war was long, but, in the end, the Roses failed, and now their society is starting to crumble. Corruption and crime are rife, and, in many places, the only ones who can be effective at fighting crime are "realistic" superheroes.

Worse, many states within the Crimson Rose federation are starting to succumb to the throes of authoritarianism to solve their problems, eroding democracy with each passing day. The situation is so bad, that some wonder not just about the future of the Federation, but also about the future of the very institution of democracy itself.

Meanwhile, the Romans may be thriving and the Empire might appear idyllic, but they are not without their issues. As technology bridges the gap between the Emperor and his people, questions abound about whether or not the Empire can maintain ruling with an iron fist, or if they need to give more to the people. In addition, for a society known for its prowess of war, the Romans must contend with the modern reality of warfare, where waging war could destroy the planet itself. Can Rome pivot to a more diplomatic approach, or is war too entrenched within Roman consciousness that Rome- and by extension the world- is fated to a conflict that will one day doom everything?

The world is bleak, but there are still hints of hope. The world of Vicendum thus asks- must the darkness always be eternal? Or can the light find its way through?

That is just the tip of the iceberg. There will be many more stories and storylines that will emerge along the way, so there will always be something new to explore within the Vicendum universe.