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Birds of Prey: printable unit study - raptor learning materials


Forest Ecology Unit: HUGE collection of printable ecosystem learning materials


Trees Unit: HUGE tree learning collection with classroom posters, tree life cycle, tree rings activity, and more!


Math in the Forest: a nature-based STEAM unit study for kids!


Nature Preschool Unit: a GIANT collection of printable kids' activities


Flower Unit: botany unit study materials, garden learning resources


Food Webs Unit: an ecology unit study - with activities & science projects,


Water Cycle Unit: earth science unit study - with at-home science lab activities!


Landforms unit: landscape geography study for kids


Fun with Fruit: a science in the garden botany unit


Frogs, Biomimicry, and STEM Unit Study: science and engineering curricula


About Valerie

As an illustrator and trained environmental scientist, Valerie is a bit obsessed with trying to present the complexity of the natural world in a coherent and beautiful way. By incorporating her artwork into scientific diagrams and educational materials, Valerie seeks to share a view of nature through the eyes of a scientist.

See more of my work and get free samples at: