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About Me

Hi my name is Ki-esha Ellis and I’m the founder of Lightgroup Inc, and the creator of the YouTube channel

@thebutterflyeffecttarot; where I share my gift of energy reading. I'm an intuitive counsellor and entrepreneur.

I’AM also a mother, reiki therapist, author, and teacher of the spiritual journey also known as ascension.

We are all here to expand, grow and actively participate in our evolution, so that is exactly what I do.

As a co-creator in my process of evolution I create out of inspiration, passion and purpose; within the full awareness that I’AM being my authentic self. I believe that the best way to teach is by example.

My life’s mission is to help others heal inner issues so they can raise their vibe and create a better life for themselves from a higher state of consciousness. In other words, I show you how to be happy, stay happy more often and create your life experiences because you are happy.

I create from divine inspiration to, help you remember that you are a soul creating a human experience; and you have the power and responsibility to create the life of your hearts desires.

Lightgroup Inc was created to help infuse healing, love and light into the beautiful souls of this planet. My life is a living testimony of how to turn a nightmare into a really awesome dream. I just want to show other's how to do the same.

Cheers to your inner evolution!

Check out my website:

5D Academy

Intuitive Counseling

Are you ready to HEAL those inner child wounds that have been quietly causing you to sabotage your life? Or maybe you want to experience true emotional fulfilment, instead of relationships created from trauma bonds. 

5D Intuitive Counseling teaches you how to heal yourself through love, acceptance, and embracing change in a way that is for your highest good.


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