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Holistic Practitioner - Organic milk formula

MY #1 traditional modalities

If you’ll like to transition to a holistic lifestyle follow this brief guide for laboring women and for anyone that’ll like to! BE ON THE LOOK OUT FOR MY COOKBOOK COMING SOON!


  1. Dr. sun
  2. Dr. Greens
  3. Dr. Sleep
  4. Dr. excursive
  5. Dr. Spirit

Being holistic is not just the foods you eat, it’s what you consume through all portals the eyes, ears, mouth and womb! This is a spiritual lifestyle. I started my holistic journey when I was 17 years of age. I knew that healing my inner self starts with my mind and then my diet. Eating to live with lively foods made more sense than eating the dead.

When creating a plant-based diet, please take your time, research, and learn what’s good to consume and what’s not because not all plant-based foods we buy are plant-based, and try staying away from soy as much as possible.

Before transitioning, I suggest you clean out your system, meaning your colon and mucoid plaque, to eliminate any parasites. Please research both, and I could share with you why it’s essential to do so and help you if you like. While transitioning, adding lots of vitamins and minerals into your daily meal plan is necessary. You can receive them from the foods you eat and natural herbs like Sea moss, which contains 92 out of 102 minerals, elderberry, burdock root, which (purifies the blood), and many more.

Try to follow The 40/60 rule throughout your day, which means eating 40 percent fruits and 60 percent vegetables with each meal. A healthy lifestyle consists of eating high-fibrational foods that are not destroyed by overheating and killing the live enzymes found in fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Nutritious foods give you a full range of nutrients and minerals. Eating at a cellular level strengthens your immune system, regulates the digestive tract, clears your lymphatic system, and helps replenish your body with pure energy.

What causes diseases and health problems? Lots of bad foods, your environment, maternal morbidity, Hypertension, anemia, headaches, low blood pressure, high blood pressure, and many more health problems are the main reasons many women cannot go along with a healthy pregnancy and labor. It starts with you, not only with a healthy meal plan but a healthy lifestyle.

incorporating dance, meditation, journaling, grounding/nature, focusing on your seven chakras, yoga, self-care, working out, bike riding, healing baths, reading, and getting a massage. These can help you experience a great birth experience. If you have any questions, email me, text me, or contact me! For a holistic consultation!