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The Sect - Son of Chaos #2 - Ebook


Zero Moment - Son of Chaos #1 - Ebook


لعنة زينب - سلسلة ابن الفوضى #3 - إلكتروني


الطائفة - سلسلة ابن الفوضى #2 - إلكتروني


اللحظة صفر - سلسلة ابن الفوضى #1 - إلكتروني


The Curse of Zainab, Son of Chaos #3&4 - Ebook


Sons of Chaos, The first two novels, Book 1,2: Zero Moment - The Sect


ابن الفوضى، الثلاث روايات الأولى: اللحظة صفر - الطائفة - لعنة زينب


Ahmad I. Alkhalel

When I was a child, I made sure to write down all my concerns, wishes, and aspirations, which were not always childish, or perhaps even so childish, that would occur only to a child who was naive enough of his peers, and then I burned this paper, believing that this would make my words merge with the whole universe so that it, in turn, could react to them as it sees fit.

Since then, I have lived a life that may not be successful to the standards of many people today, but it is very exceptional, and the difference between success and exception is a thorny dilemma, with a slight difference. Every exception is a success, but not every success is an exception, at least this is how I see things from my own perspective. And the problem with exceptional people is, that many people are not qualified to see success behind their exceptions.

If we wanted to group people according to their academic success, every few million of them would be grouped into one group, and for me, my goal in this life was not to be in a crowded group.

In my opinion, the real success lies in the memoirs. If you ever decide to write your own memoirs, do you think that it will be exceptional from the rest of the memoirs of millions and millions of people crowding into your group? You own the answer.