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Isaak Levitan

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Isaac Levitan. Package of 66 High-Res and Mid-Res artist's paintings
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Levitan has long embodies the very idea of ​​Russian lyrical landscape painting. For the most part, when they write about him and his masterpieces, most often the great artist is called nothing more than "the singer of Russian nature." A student of the brilliant Russian master Savrasov, he became famous thanks to his inimitable works and the manner of painting, which is still appreciated all over the world, because these canvases show all the sincerity and sensitivity of Russian nature.

At the age of thirteen, Levitan entered the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. In September 1876, Levitan studied at the landscape workshop of A.K. Savrasov, and later V.D. Polenov became his teacher.
Thanks to his talent and diligence, Levitan graduated from the school excellently, but the School Council refused to award him the Big Silver Medal. After graduating from college, Levitan took part in traveling exhibitions, his paintings were very successful.

In the spring of 1894, the artist arrives in the Tver province, where he painted such canvases as "Spring. The Last Snow", "March", "Blossoming Apple Trees", "Golden Autumn", "Big Road. Autumn Sunny Day". In 1898, Isaac Levitan was awarded the title of academician of landscape painting.

The artist teaches at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, where he once studied. His paintings are successfully shown at the World Exhibition in Paris, at an exhibition in Munich.

But soon Levitan's health deteriorates sharply, treatment abroad does not help much. August 4, 1900 Isaac Levitan died.
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