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Rene Magritte

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Rene Magritte. Package of 97 High-Res artist's paintings
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Rene Francois Gislen Magritte (1898-1967) is a Belgian surrealist artist. Known as the author of witty and at the same time poetic mysterious paintings.

At first glance, the paintings of René Magritte are filled with strange images, which are not only mysterious, but also multivalued. Rene Magritte did not touch the question of form in surrealism, he invested his vision in the meaning and significance of the picture.

The artist himself called himself "a magical realist." His goal was to create a paradox, and the conclusions should be made by the public itself. Rene Magritte in his work has always clearly traced the line between the subjective image and the present reality. The master tried to solve in his work the problem of the correspondence of perception to the real world, to comprehend the difference or identity between the image and reality. Therefore, Magritte often used images of the picture in the picture, mirrors, windows, eyes, scenes or curtains.

In many paintings, the artist hides his face behind an apple, as if to say that everything is not as it seems, and that people constantly want to get into the soul of a person and understand the true essence of things. Rene Magritte's painting also hides, and reveals the essence of the master himself.

Rene Magritte played an important role in the development of surrealism, and his work continues to arouse the consciousness of more and more generations.
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