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Jacqueline Marval

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Jacqueline Marval. Package of 47 High-Res artist's paintings
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Jacqueline Marval (real name Marie-Josephine Vallee) became an artist by accident. Her parents were institute teachers, so by all the rules it would be appropriate for her to become a teacher. But she married early, left her husband early, losing her six-month-old baby, and this will be a turning point in her life. She did not want to become a teacher and after parting with her husband, she began working in Grenoble as a dressmaker - she sewed hats and vests. In 1895, she leaves for Paris and settles in Montparnasse, at the epicenter of the artistic life of Paris. This is where she begins painting (some of her friends told a story about how she used sheets as canvases because she had no money for canvases).

Here, in Paris on Montparnasse, she meets the artists Jules Flandrin (who soon became her husband), Matisse, Marquet, Van Dongen, Picasso and many others. Since 1900, she takes on the pseudonym Jacqueline Marval, under which the world now knows her. In 1901, she met Ambroise Vollard and he immediately bought 10 of her paintings. The famous art dealer will buy and sell the work of Jacqueline Marval for about ten years. By the 1920s, Jacqueline Marval was already an established artist. She was loved, respected, invited to make posters and decorate the foyer of the theater on the Champs Elysees.

She was successful until the end of her days - her death in 1932 will be told in the entire French press. And then they'll forget. Since 1932, the year of her death, with the exception of a few private exhibitions in galleries, there has been only one retrospective exhibition of the artist's work - at the Hébert Museum in 1987.

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