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1 munay ki opening sacred space

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All spiritual work, such as we are engaged in here, needs to take place within a focused, safe and sacred environment.

To facilitate; this SACRED SPACE is created.

This is done as a two-step process.

Step 1: Engaging the Eco-sphere (Calling in the four Directions)

This process opens up a large space for our work to take place within. It calls upon the four directions and the archetypes they represent, the Earth and the Heavens to assist by holding the space safe and sacred.

  • Stand quietly and steady yourself, bringing your awareness to focus on the work you are about to undertake. This can be inside a building or outside in a natural environment as circumstances require.
  • Turn to face the SOUTH.
  • You may wish to briefly shake a rattle, sound a drum, or ring bells. All of these are optional and you can simply stand with a raised arm in salutation to the direction you are invoking.
  • Hold the desire to call these elements to join you as a yearning for their presence sincerely felt from your heart.
  • Say the Prayer for creating Sacred Space as set out below, turning clockwise to each direction, bending to touch the Earth and reaching up to the Heavens in turn as each verse is spoken.


To the winds of the South; Great Serpent,

Wrap your coils of light around us,

Teach us to shed the past the way you shed your skin,

To walk softly on the Earth.

Teach us the beauty of your way.


To the winds of the West; Mother Jaguar,

Protect our medicine space.

Teach us the way of peace,

To live impeccably.

Show us the way beyond death.


To the winds of the North; Hummingbird, Grandmothers and Grandfathers, Ancient Ones.

Come and warm your hands by our fires,

Whisper to us in the wind.

We honor you who have come before us,

And you who will come after us, our children’s children.


To the winds of the East; great Eagle, Condor,

Come to us from the place of the rising Sun.

Keep us under your wing.

Show us the mountain we only dare to dream of.

Teach us to fly wing to wing with the Great Spirit.


Mother Earth, Sacred Mother.

We have gathered for the healing of all your children.

The Stone people, the Plant People, the four legged, the two legged, the creepy crawlers,

The finned, the furred and the winged ones.

All our relations.


Father Sun, Grandmother Moon, to the Star Nations.

Great Spirit, You who are known by a thousand names,

And You who are the Un-namable One.

Thank you for bringing us together,

And allowing us to sing the Song and dance the Dance of Life for one more day.

Step 2: Engaging the Soul space (personal sacred space)

This process opens up a personal space for our work to take place within.

It draws upon the sacred spring that already exists within each one of us and expands it outside our body.

It is said in the ancient traditions including those of the Q’ero that the 8th chakra (or Wirra Cocha) is the ‘soul’.

And upon death all the lower chakras and the luminous energy field ‘move back’ into this space.

Sacred space is engaged by the opening up of the Wirra Cocha, the 8th chakra.

Which is located outside of the body, a few inches above the head.

This is expanded to envelop our own physical and luminous bodies and those of the person we are working with.

We can also open this space for ourselves at any time we feel in need of protection or just ‘quietness’.

Personal sacred space is a further defense against unwanted intrusive energies.

Perhaps even those that our client may unknowingly be carrying or emanating.

Opening Personal Space

  • Stand or sit quietly and steady yourself, bringing your awareness to focus on the work you are about to undertake.
  • Bring your hands into the prayer position, to rest at your heart.
  • Raise your hands upwards until they are a few inches above your head and as you do so, with your hands now back to back, reach into your 8th Chakra.
  • Separate your hands out to the sides like the fanning out of a peacocks tail feathers and bring them down, as far as possible, with the intention of completely encompassing the physical and luminous body. Do not be concerned about the perfecting of a technique, focus on working with intent.
  • Bring your hands up into the prayer position for a few seconds prior to commencing the work.

This whole process should take no longer than 15 to 20 seconds


After you are completely finished with your journey or soul retrieval, be sure to close sacred space by reversing the process for opening outlined above.

Here you are retrieving the expanded space and bringing it back into the Wirra Cocha(the 8th Chakra, higher Soul).

Here again intent, not technique, is the key.

  • Reach down as far as practical and draw your hands up and over your head ‘gathering’ the sacred space and bringing it back into your Wirra Cocha.
  • With your hands at your 8th chakra, pause for a moment to collect the guidance of the Higher Soul, then, keeping your right on top of your left, gently bring them down the center line of your body allowing the energy and information from your 8th chakra to ‘inform’ each of your seven lower chakras. Finally place your hands on the ground, or if this is not physically possible have them facing the ground, gifting some of this energy to the Earth.

When all your work has been completed close the larger sacred space by turning, as before, to salute each direction,

The Earth and the Heavens while repeating the prayer. Begin with the South direction and add the following words… at the end of each verse;

“Thank you, thank you, thank you for being here.

And holding this space sacred for our work today.

We release you”.

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