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The Heart Reset™

The heart most vulnerable yet most powerful

Cultivate The Most Important Sacred & Long Lasting Relationship Of All:

the one with your own heart

Self-love in action, powers up everything in your life.

Restoring Internal Guidance

Reversing fear to love, and lack to abundance.

How you not only liberate yourself...also how you keep yourself discerning, authentic and resilient as you freely navigate your life.

Your heart is like the immune system of yourself, everything depends on it.

And your heart is your most real safe and effective internal guidance system.

Hence why our hearts have been enslaved by the programming of the mind to disconnect us from our real power and inner knowingness.

The Heart Reset™ intends to remedy all of that helping you to remember who you are, who you came here to be and inspiring you to reignite into the truth of your heart.

To Your Heart From My Heart

I loved creating this online version of The Heart Reset™ and only hope your heart loves it as much.

And through this process naturally feels restoration, mending, healing and powerfully reclaims itself.

This changes everything and is key to everything in your life... from your health, wellness, relationships, creativity, direction, finances to your unique vision... basically all of you.

That is simply what we all need to handle the times, a return to the heart.

More love,

Mangaljot, Celine, Anihouvy, Mangojoy

all the same heart.

Course curriculum

From Paris to London, I was sent away at seventeen years old, with nothing but a broken heart... no skills, no diploma, no money and low self-worth.

Finding myself on my own suddenly, I learned quickly that self-reflection is key to survive and to thrive in this world. 

This earth school of life taught me all I know, and everything and everyone keep on being my teachers. 

In life, awareness is key… clarity is power & self-knowledge the most valuable knowledge we can get.

So yes I help you understand what’s unique about you, how to trust and believe in yourself … I’m rooting for you and I’ll be sharing with you all that has helped me… heal…get clear… to create the happy in you…back to the heart…the truth of you…releasing whatever may have been blocking or disrupting your innate flow…

Author of NOT FOR SALE, CAN'T BE BOUGHT | Founder of Oneness Wellness Farm (Jamaica)

Due to our position regarding the current situation, Oneness Wellness Farm aka The Place To Reset is now officially closed. 

Although, previously reluctant to share content online, (preferring real live face to face contact), it is time to move with the times.

Caring is sharing, and I have lots to share... on pretty much everything related to life, being humans, our nature, our inner workings and processes.

All to do with our lives' journey, health & happiness, as well as what goes on in our world.

However, self-healing, self-initiation, self-resiliency, self-love, self-knowledge... to heal and to empower are favourites.

For a real and powerful realignment... for a return to wholeness... for the embodiment of your powerful uniqueness.

So to create the freest and best life that you can imagine for yourself, and that regardless of what is going on with the outside world, the government or other psychopaths who think they are running the show... there are not, never were, just conditioned you to believe them and not believe in yourself. 

Reality is: It is always an inside job. And your energy creates the path.

NOT FOR SALE ~ CAN'T BE BOUGHT, Every Woman's Triumph Story (and men's too), my first book was written just for that... to show you how you do it, even if starting with nothing or so you think, you have YOU which is everything. 

You are the answer and the solution to your life, always always always! 

Who else could possibly be? 

All my content and communications, written and spoken, have one intention, to help you understand how powerful you are, and that in fact you can create whatever you decide.

Oneness Wellness Farm, on a beautiful hilltop in sunny Jamaica is a clear expression of that... turning a dream into a reality...

She believed she could so she did! 

And all I want is for as many hearts as possible in every parts of the world to understand that.

Because the moment you do, it changes everything, not just your life but the lives of all the people you know too, and this is to me how we change the world together. 

Plus when you live from your inner truth, you have no fear and you cannot be controlled.

Our experience is real and the only real truth we have.

Your experience is your truth and all you can really share in an authentic way.

Feel Strong, Stand Tall & Be Well

Celine Anihouvy Dossou aka Mangaljot or Mango Joy

The Heart Reset™
