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The Definitive Times Spiritual Preparation Guide

The Definitive Times Spiritual Preparation Guide was created by Jan Jackson, Christian/Spiritual Author & Faith-based Transformation Life Coach to offer special spiritual preparation for these profound,
historical, and urgent definitive times that Jesus and Mother Mary and the whole hierarchy of heaven say we are Now living in.

Yes, IT'S BEGUN - Let there be no mistaking of that.

It has now reached Overtime to turn your minds and hearts to God. The Holy Trinity as he is urgently requesting - because he says, essentially, "time's up."

There is much going on right now from the Spiritual Realms that are very connected to our planet - Mother Earth. We and our Earth are going through these times now like no other, and like there never will be again on this planet. He also says we must follow HIS WILL which is to repent and convert.

He's requesting you do a Life Review immediately, of all of your sins because the
Illumination of Conscience is absolutely real. Everyone will go through it and being
sorry for your sins now is what will help you get through that difficult time that is rapidly
approaching, as it will be extremely hard, if you haven't prepared in advance.

He says we must pray for the collective whole - all of humanity so we may have some
kind of hope for a chance to mitigate the chastisements that truly are upon us. There
are many and they are severe to the extreme.

Pray that people will Pray as he's requesting. Without following the Directive given to us 
by God for all, we as a Humanity and an Earth won't make it as he intends for us.

People have turned their backs on God - Our Divine Creator and turned toward the worldly,
putting only the material first and turning our support from fraternity to self to selfishness
and allowing the evil to reign that has and is being perpetrated against humanity. God has
been left out of the picture and quite frankly, he's not having it any longer.

Many people are still not aware of what's really going on and are being led like sheep
down an evil assault, an evil path designed for them, with people believing they have
good for them in mind, but in reality only much deception is perpetrated against them.
It's completely the opposite of anything good desired for you. 

God wants you awake so you may do his WILL and save your Soul, Humanity and this
Planet. He's been calling for a unspeakable long time, 2000+ years but his calling Is Over.
We've had enough time to follow his WILL and prepare our Souls, & Our Lives but the
majority are still to their detriment, obstinately opposing his requests and want to believe
in their own Authority over God's.

Duh! I'm God.
I remind you - God Rules, your results will be futile and worthless.

We are now being called to seriously Spiritually and Physically Prepare for what is very close 
at hand for Humanity.

This Guide will give you all the information, the total Blue Print you'll need in order to make
that happen. There are Resources here that can and will help you if you open your heart
and your mind and take God at his word.

Investigate now for yourself. Listen and prepare.

I love you
God loves you

He Doesn't Want To See Even One Soul Lost.

Mother Mary has said through her Prophets and Visionaries of these times - She's
asked the Eternal Father to step up the Purification process of Humanity and
this Earth because too many Souls are being lost to evil and that this is a
Spiritual battle between Good and evil going on here on Earth and in higher
unseen realms of cosmic places.

Reach out to God, so he can see if even a sliver, you want to be part of his
Purgative Army of Light, of Love, of Goodness, of Mercy, Forgiveness and Grace.

He's calling - please love yourself enough to listen.

Jan Jackson

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