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Sculptural Clay Inspirations Paperback (in Person Purchase) plus Digital Version

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Looking for sculptural ceramic ideas?                                                                                                    
This resource is packed full of ones that are theme or subject matter based.

There are endless possibilities when working with clay but having so many options can be overwhelming. One solution is to check out ideas organized by category, which can be especially helpful when planning or trying to narrow down ideas. This resource is organized by subject matter and theme. Categories include animals and creatures, nature, built environment, contemporary issues, stories and history, life, work and hobbies as well as abstract sculpture ideas.

This book has an introduction followed by eight chapters illustrating common sculpture themes.

Introduction: The introductory chapter highlights some key concepts relating to sculptural design including...
 Themes and Subjects in Art
 Understanding the creative process
 Sculptural design considerations
 Clay sculpture terms
 Relief sculpture terms
 Sculptural stylistic considerations

Chapter Titles: Theme-Based Ideas
· Animals and Creatures
· Human Form
· Nature and the Natural Environment
· Built Environment
· Contemporary Issues
· Life, Work and Hobbies
· Stories and History
· Abstract Forms & Ideas
You will get a PPTX (75MB) file

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