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Reiki healing for creative challenges

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No matter whether you know exactly what you’re struggling with creatively or not, a Reiki healing can help clear what needs clearing, make flow what’s currently stuck, and reconnect you with your creative spark.


Reiki is the universal life energy that is present within all living things. As a healing power, it aids growth, vitalises body and mind, clears blockages, balances energy fields, and harmonises the relationship between body, mind, and soul.


With this Reiki healing, I’ll be sending 15–20 minutes of Reiki energy to whatever creative challenge you’re facing right now, whether you have been feeling any blocks, are struggling with a particular piece, can’t seem to find the discipline needed to create or finish what you’re working on, have lost your muse, or just feel generally meh about the entire process.


The healing session will take place within 48 hours of ordering. I will let you know the exact time beforehand. Please send an email to with your first name and a description of your current creative struggles after you’ve placed your order.


While I predominantly work with creatives and their specific struggles, I’m open to healing other aspects of life as well if you feel called to work with me. Please message me first at to make sure I can help you with your specific situation.


I am a Tera Mai™ Reiki and Tera Mai™ Seichem Master. I started my Reiki journey in 2018, when I completed the first and second Tera Mai™ Reiki degree in the Usui system of natural healing. In 2019, I received the Tera Mai™ Seichem 1 and 2 initiations and completed the third Tera Mai™ Reiki degree. In 2023, I received the Tera Mai™ Seichem 3 initiation. 

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