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Reiki Hearts - Reiki-infused pocket hugs

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What is Reiki?


Reiki is the universal life energy that is present within all living things. As a healing power, it aids growth, vitalises body and mind, clears blockages, balances energy fields, and harmonises the relationship between body, mind, and soul.


Reiki Hearts


These Reiki Hearts, or Reiki-infused pocket hugs, are charged daily with distant Reiki energy. They make great gifts for loved ones who are going through a difficult time and could use a little boost throughout the day. Because of their size, they can easily be pocketed or put in one’s purse.


To benefit from this healing energy, you do not need to have skin contact with your heart. Being in the heart’s vicinity is enough for the energy to be transferred to you.


Children and pets


Young children and pets cannot consent to receiving Reiki energy. This makes Reiki Hearts ideal because bringing a Reiki Heart into the home allows us to offer our children and pets Reiki energy on their terms. When placed where they can easily reach the heart, children and pets can decide for themselves when they feel like snuggling up to it to receive Reiki.


Who are behind these Reiki Hearts?


These machine washable Reiki Hearts were made by Brandy Berry from A Mighty Oak Acre with cotton yarn. Every day, I, Mariëlle, Tera Mai™ Reiki and Tera Mai™ Seichem Master, charge the hearts using distant Reiki from my home on the island of Cyprus.

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