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NDTCC Holy Convocation 2022 All Services & Workshops Audio Bundle

Wednesday, July 27

Morning Glory Service:

"Your Walk with God will Build your Confidence in Him and in You"

Sister Kimberly Brafi

Philippians 1: 1-6

Session I&II: “The Third Person, The Holy Spirit”

Presiding Prelate Bishop C. J. Hodge

Session III: “Q&A of The Third Person, The Holy Spirit”

Presiding Prelate Bishop C. J. Hodge

Evening Worship Service:

"The 3G Generation"

Elder Iris Rose

1 Peter 2: 9-10

Thursday, July 28

Morning Glory Service:

"Saved, Now What?"

Pastor Sharon Reese

Philippians 1:6 & Romans 10: 9-10

Session I, Workshop A: “Catch on Fire and Stay on Fire”

Pastor Constance Sumner

Session I, Workshop B: “Living in the Grace, God Is with You”

Vice Bishop Thomas C. Barr

Session II, Workshop A: “Counting It all Joy, Enduring Pain and Suffering”

Overseer Scott Fredricks

Session II, Workshop B: “The Promises of God through the Word of God”

Pastor Alicia Holloway

Session III, Workshop A: “Altar & Pulpit Etiquette”

Elder Mary Ann Watkins

Session III, Workshop B: “Entering the Dimensions of Faith”

Pastor Julma Guerrier

General Session:

"What is the Will of God for Our Lives"

Bishop Christopher J Hodge

Ephesians 3: 5-12

Evening Worship Service:

"The Crisis of Confidence"

Archbishop Eric Figueroa Sr.

Hebrews 10: 35-37

Friday, July 29

Morning Glory Service:

Elder Dontae Bacote Jones

"Empowered to Win"

Acts 1:8 & 2 Corinthians 2: 14

Session I, Workshop A: “Opening the Eyes of Our Understanding”

Pastor Sandra Barr

Session I, Workshop B: “Let Go and Let God, Just Do It (The Work)”

Pastor Cycachee Scott

Session II, Workshop A: “Relationship with God, Commitment, Consistency,

Trusting God & Communication (Prayer)”

Pastor Carl D. Dunn II

Session II, Workshop B: “Godfidence”

Minister Cheryl Redding

Session III, Workshop B: “Confidence for this Season”

Elder Donyetta Roberts

General Session:

"Serving a Perfect God in an Imperfect World"

Bishop Varrick K. Nelson Sr.

Psalms 1: 1-6

Evening Worship Service:

"It's Gonna Be Big!"

Apostle Mose L. Styles III

Isaiah 54:1-7 & Joel 2:28

Sunday, July 31

High Holy Service:

Bishop Christopher J Hodge

Philippians 1:6

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Bundle Includes

Here are all the products that are included in your bundle

AUDIO ONLY - 7/31/2022 - "High Holy Service"


AUDIO ONLY - 7/29/2022 - "Friday Evening Worship Service"


AUDIO ONLY - 7/29/2022 - "Serving a Perfect God in an Imperfect World"


AUDIO ONLY - 7/29/2022 - "Confidence for this Season"


AUDIO ONLY - 7/29/2022 - "Godfidence"


AUDIO ONLY - 7/29/2022 - "Relationship with God"


AUDIO ONLY - 7/29/2022 - “Let Go and Let God, Just Do It (The Work)”


AUDIO ONLY - 7/29/2022 - "Opening the Eyes of Our Understanding"


AUDIO ONLY - 7/29/2022 - "Friday Morning Glory Service"


AUDIO ONLY - 7/28/2022 - "Thursday Evening Worship Service"


AUDIO ONLY - 7/28/2022 - "What is the Will of God for Our Lives"


AUDIO ONLY - 7/28/2022 - “Entering the Dimensions of Faith”


AUDIO ONLY - 7/28/2022 - “Altar & Pulpit Etiquette”


AUDIO ONLY - 7/28/2022 - “The Promises of God through the Word of God”


AUDIO ONLY - 7/28/2022 - “Counting It all Joy, Enduring Pain and Suffering”
