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New Day Tabernacle Covenant of Churches Holy Convocation 2022

Holy Convocation 2022

"Confidence In God"

Every Reformation assembles at a specific time in a designated place. The Presiding Prelate speaks to the assembly with words of instruction as God speaks. The people go back to their individual assemblies (churches), and leaders return to carry out prayerfully the Instructions spoken.

Contrary to what many people may say or believe – Holy Convocation is not derived from the mind of man but is based upon scripture. We hope this will give an understanding as to why we have come together at this time.

Purchase Video & Audio files of the Convocation here


7/27/2022 - "Wednesday Morning Glory Service"

7/27/2022 - "Wednesday Evening Worship Service"

7/28/2022 - "Thursday Morning Glory Service"

7/28/2022 - "Thursday Evening Worship Service"

7/29/2022 - "Friday Morning Glory Service"

7/29/2022 - "Friday Evening Worship Service"

7/31/2022 - "High Holy Service"


7/27/2022 - "The Third Person, The Holy Spirit"

7/27/2022 - "Q&A of The Third Person, The Holy Spirit"

7/28/2022 - “Catch on Fire and Stay on Fire”

7/28/2022 - “Living in the Grace, God Is with You”

7/28/2022 - “Counting It all Joy, Enduring Pain and Suffering”

7/28/2022 - “The Promises of God through the Word of God”

7/28/2022 - “Altar & Pulpit Etiquette”

7/28/2022 - “Entering the Dimensions of Faith”

7/29/2022 - "Opening the Eyes of Our Understanding"

7/29/2022 - “Let Go and Let God, Just Do It (The Work)”

7/29/2022 - "Relationship with God"

7/29/2022 - "Godfidence"

7/29/2022 - "Confidence for this Season"

General Sessions

7/27/2022 - General Session - "YOUTH EXPLOSION"

7/28/2022 - General Session - "What is the Will of God for Our Lives"

7/29/2022 - General Session - "Serving a Perfect God in an Imperfect World"