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Release & Let Go

Are you tired of feeling drained and unhappy in your relationships? Do you want to break free from toxic patterns and find healthy, fulfilling connections? Our guided meditation masterclass will help you begin to clear and cut those toxic etheric cords.

Through this powerful guided meditation, you will be guided on a journey of self-discovery and healing. You'll learn techniques for managing your emotions, setting healthy boundaries, and finding the courage to let go of toxic connections.

What to Expect

This masterclass is designed to help you find inner strength and clarity, so you can make positive changes in your life. Whether you're looking to end a romantic relationship, a friendship, or a professional connection, this masterclass will provide some support and guidance you need to move forward.

You Will Receive:

  • A pre-recorded guided meditation
  • A downloadable PDF with additional resources and exercises
  • Lifetime access to the audio, so you can revisit the lessons and techniques anytime

If you're ready to break free from toxic relationships and find healthy, fulfilling connections, our guided meditation masterclass is here to help. Take the first step towards healing and growth today.

About Satta

Satta Jallah is a holistic entrepreneur, plant based chef, certified yoga instructor and doula who specializes in trauma-informed yoga & nutrition for mothers and neuro diverse creatives. With a passion for both the arts and wellness, Satta has dedicated her career to community advocacy and healing.

Through her mind & body coaching, Satta provides a safe and supportive space for women & artists to heal, grow, and thrive. She believes that everyone has the power to create a life that is fulfilling and meaningful, and she is dedicated to helping her clients tap into their inner strength and reach their full potential.

Get Access to the Masterclass

Clearing & Cutting Cords Masterclass
