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God's Wink

While spending time living in the mountains of Colorado, photographing nature and wildlife, unusual things started to happen to me. About a dozen extraordinary and unusual coincidences happened. In fact, there were so many coincidences, that it got a bit scary.

When I got home, I mentioned these coincidences to my sister, Jill. She said it’s simple, you were just having “God’s Wink” experiences.

God’s Wink… God's Wink… That expression seemed to melt into my soul. But, what does "God's Wink" mean? I looked up specifically what it meant. I read that a God’s Wink, is when an event or personal experience is so astonishing, that it seems to be a sign of divine intervention.

Sort of like when you haven’t talked to a friend for a long time, and then you think of that friend… and then they call, just after that. Or, when something happens to you and you say to yourself…what are the odds of that happening?

After talking to my sister, I went for a long walk in the woods and through the fields. I began to feel overwhelmed and inspired and I came home and started to play my acoustic guitar. I can’t explain it… But in half an hour, I wrote the song "God’s Wink.” I felt I have spent my lifetime writing the song, but it took only half an hour to put the music and lyrics on paper.

I then asked six of my very talented musician friends, to come to my house and I performed this new song for them. They simply said… We have to record it! So, that is what we decided to do! Collectively, we worked on the song, and each of my musician friends had input in fine-tuning the details of the song. The song came alive! This was a true collaboration.

The next step was to go to a recording studio. At the studio, all seven of us contributed in creating this new original song… “God’s Wink.”

After the song was recorded, another friend and I created a music video, with the music and lyrics corresponding, to some of my original nature photography. I wondered if I had spent a lifetime photographing nature, for this moment?

From my heart, I thank my fellow musicians, for their tremendous participation in recording this song: Mike Hartwig, Thomas Weis, Stan Markus, Rick Bertoni, Mike Truttschel and Jeff Gish.

We all humbly hope you like it, can relate to it, and feel inspired by it!

We would love to know what you think of it! We welcome and encourage you to share “God's Wink" with family, friends, your Facebook friends, your church family....anyone who you think might benefit from the message. Please send us your feedback! And we thank you from our hearts!

So… The next time, an unbelievable coincidence happens… Who knows, it just might be a God’s Wink, to you.

Jeff Engel

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