2019 predictions ... The Greater Exodus: Future prophecies of Israel Iran, WWIII, The Greater Exodus, and The Last Trump
You can find at this series
* How Mississippi River will divide the states to 3 places.
* The prophecy of destruction of the west coast by the fireballs of nibiru .
* Some events will happen these days at the USA and the whole World.
* What is the relationship between Denver Airport and illuminate during the civil unrest .
* How Nibiru will make the Rockies Mountains melt and dissolve.
* Yellow Stone Volcano will not erupt until these events occur first.
* The disaster of the West Coast of the USA the world will never see something like it before,, and
the very first sign of it will be at California.
*Prophecies of who survives and why.
* Nibiru will not strike until these events happen first by order...
* The World War III will start at 4 places in the beginning.
* Which will be the surviving countries?
* The time table of the upcoming events by order.
*4 major countries will not exist at the upcoming events.
* Prophecies of leaving the States and going to .....
*Where to go and when and how? And with whom?
*Prophecies of who survives and why.
* Will the world leaders survive and what will they do?
*What will cause the huge tsunamis?
* The disaster of the West Coast of the USA the world will never see something like it before,, and
the very first sign of it will be at California.
We translated most of these old prophecies from the
Aramaic (Syriac), Old Testament , Hebrew, Dead Sea Scrolls, Greek, and Arabic about our current era
until the coming of the Savior Yahusha (Jesus). - Events also of the Antichrist, the fake space
invasion, the destruction of Europe and America, where his empire will be, ect.
I love this channel ,,
I'm sharing this important book about2019 predictions and very important events...meteorites
striking, tsunamis and the USA East Coast and the West Coast as well, and the safe places, when these
events will happen, ect. You can find at this series -
* When will the war start
*North Korea will start the chaos by striking the United States West Coast with a hydrogen bomb.
*WWIII will happen after Russian and China make a strong economic alliance to overthrow America.
*The beginning of events will start at 3 regions at the same time
The American Army will leave their bases around the World specifically the Arabian Gulf area, because of a heavenly or man made event will happen at their country, so they will leave these countries suddenly to attend to that catastrophe.
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