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Oscar Mike Speaks Financial Literacy: Guide to Managing Your Money

Understanding financial literacy and fundamental financial principles will help you build healthy money habits. If you want to be rich, you must make financially intelligent decisions. This starts with first being financially literate.



The purpose of the financial literacy courses is to prepare students to make sound financial decisions. It seeks to develop your skills and knowledge in money management, spending, credit management, saving, and investing.

Understanding financial literacy and fundamental financial principles will help people build a strong foundation and healthy money habits. If you want to be rich, you must make financially intelligent decisions. This all starts with being financially literate.


Chapters Include:

Week 1 - Tracking spending habits

Week 2 - Income: Passive vs Active

Week 3 - Budget: Why budget and how

Week 4 - Debt: Good vs Bad

Week 5 - Savings

Week 6 - Investing for the future

Week 7 - Credit Reports

Week 8 - Funding your business

Course includes 174 course slides, 40 videos, and 8 student worksheets

OMS Financial Literacy: Guide to Managing Your Money


Course curriculum