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Peregrination Series Book 3: Fire

The Peregrines have left Reader's Island in search of the lost Armor of God. They must locate and acquire these pieces to be able to do battle against some sort of evil, unbeknownst to any of them as of yet, in a war known as "The Final Battle." They must win this war against evil to save mankind from his own sinful destructive nature. In order to find the six pieces of armor, which had been stolen and separated hundreds of years before, they must overcome their own personal demons in tests of faith.  These tests will try and possibly reveal even the darkest of secrets, emotions, and desires.  If these trials can be overcome, the location of the next piece of armor will be revealed to them.
Will they be able to overcome their own insecurities and imperfect human natures to accomplish the important tasks laid before them? Especially since they are constantly hunted by demons who wish to stop and destroy them any way possible.

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