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Nature Sounds 01 - rain - wind - forest - birds - all Solfeggio frequencies & 432 Hz + 6 Hz binaural

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Nature Sounds 01 - rain - wind - forest - birds. All audios are 6 hours and 43 minutes. For pre-listening download preview or listen at Nature Sounds 01 - all Solfeggio Frequencies & 432 Hz + 6 Hz binaural for Starseeds Activation & Starseed Empowerment. For deep relaxation and meditation. It is very important! to feel and choose the Solfeggio frequency that gives the deepest relaxation!


Audio as WAV file = 100% quality of sound & solfeggio frequencies = TRUE Sound Healing. Mp3, mpeg4 and streaming! is all compressed audio and you lose approx 50% quality of sound and solfeggio frequencies. And when you start listening to the WAV files, you will definitely FEEL and HEAR that!


6 Hz Theta brainwaves: Are a portal to our memory, intuition and our learning abilities. Withdraw our senses from the external world and give more focus on signals that are originated from within. Help us tapp into information in our unconscious and subconscious. The state as we wake or drift off to sleep. During dreams and deep meditation. For meditation, deep relaxation and sleep, relaxing soothing background Nature Sounds, connecting you to your true Nature on unconscious and subconcious levels for awareness and ascension.

IMPORTANT! Use headphones for best binaural quality. The 6 Hz binaural stereo image benefits from the perfect left-right isolation provided by headphones. Use headphones with wires, wireless headphones give unwanted frequencies in the brain and body.


Exciting times for us as Humans and Starseeds to become Aware of Unlocking our Quantum Biology. Use a good sound system because full body immersion in sound and frequencies has a better effect on our Quantum Biology than headphones.


Nature Sounds have demonstrated that they possess a soothing influence on both the mind and body.

  • Stress reduction and calmness
  • Sleep improvement
  • Mood enhancement, reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression


Incorporating the Womb Sounds into our everyday lives or during power naps can significantly enhance our levels of relaxation, fostering a feeling of tranquility and overall well-being.


It is very important! to feel and choose the solfeggio frequency that gives the deepest relaxation! Image of 432 Hz and 174 Hz is missing because max upload is 9 images. 


174 Hz: Gives you more body awareness, helps with embodiment of ascension. Works on the physical level of the body, plus the physical and emotional aura. Helps with stress release: more relaxation and less tension in the body.


285 Hz: Can help with regeneration on a physical level. Balancing the energy flow in the lower chakras. Helps with stress release: more relaxation and less tension in the body.


396 Hz: Balances root chakra. Relieves worry, anxiety, fear and guilt. Unblocks negative energy. Releases stress of past trauma. Motivates to achieve your goals.


 417 Hz: Regulating sacral chakra. Healing trauma on interconnected levels. Helps with sensuality, sexuality, pleasure and joy. Metabolises creative energies and facilitates change in life to create new beginnings.


432 Hz: Frequency of Nature. Is in resonance with the Schumann Resonance of 8 Hz, which is the vibration of Earth. Our DNA replicates at a frequency of 8 Hz. 432 is a key number in Sacred Geometry & resonates with the Golden Ratio.


528 Hz: In harmony with creation and nature. Resonates at the heart of everything. Also known as 'the LOVE frequency' and 'the MIRACLE tone'. Found in oxygen, chlorofyl, the sun & the sound of bees. John Lennon's song, Imagine, was actually recorded in 528 Hz.


639 Hz. Frequency of the Heart Chakra. Is all about harmony in relationships. Experiences love on a deeper new level. Reconnects us with love for self and others. Helps with communication & understanding. Opens your heart with tolerance & compassion.


741 Hz: Speaking your personal truth will empower you and is needed in this Aquarian Age. Frequency of the Throat Chakra and intuition.


852 Hz: Frequency of the 3rd eye chakra Awakening your intuition. Reset to a state of original spiritual order. Increases spiritual consciousness.


963 Hz. Pineal gland & Crown Chakra activator. Seed mantra for this chakra is "AH". Connection with a higher guidance. Deeper connection with the Divine. “The frequency of the Gods”. Oneness and Unity. 


More info in our BLOG: What is TRUE Sound Healing? and the meaning of Solfeggio frequencies.


Music and lightcodes are in no way a replacement for traditional medicine, music and lightcodes cannot cure a health condition and do not listen while driving or operating heavy machinery. Be aware that too much of a good thing can be unpleasant.


💎 © Music composed by Pleiadian Music = Monica van der Lem

💎 © Lightcode Activations design by Starseed Lightcodes = Markus van der Westhuizen

💎 © Pleiadian Quantum Productions, all rights reserved


Love & Light with Blessings & Appreciation from us, Monica & Markus



#pleiadianmusic #starseedlightcodes


Please Note: Payments are not refundable. Not for commercial use, for private use only. If you are interested in a commercial license Licensing Pleiadian Music for Commercial Use & Commercial Music Composition



Pleiadian Music / Monica van der Lem / Markus van der Westhuizen cannot guarantee any specific results or outcome.

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