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Custom Sound Healing background music for your Meditation, Light Language, YouTube, Podcast, Spotify, iTunes and more

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For custom Sound Healing Compositions - as background music - This will be a unique Sound Healing background music chanelled and composed to your Meditation, Light Language Transmission, any kind of spoken-word recording. I have 2 options at this moment:

  1. 1 time payment per Sound Healing background music of 66 euros for YouTube, Podcast, sell it on your website, distribute it to Spotify and other digital streaming & download platforms
  2. 1 time payment per Sound Healing background music of 33 euros for YouTube use only

Pleiadian Music for commercial usage is intended to be used as background music only! for your audio, video or podcast productions.

For those who are interested in working with me, I ALWAYS start with a videocall. After your order we will plan a videocall and I will explain and help you with how to get the best recording of your voice in WAV audio on a tempo sync, this is really important to make a high quality recording.

I can channel & compose custom Sound Healing Compositions for your:

  • guided meditation & light language transmission as background music
  • any kind of spoken-word recording / hypnoses recording as background music
  • YouTube video as background music
  • live stream on social media as background music
  • podcast as background music
  • audiobook as background music
  • presentation video on your website as background music

You become the owner of the Sound Healing background music. This means you do not have to pay me any royalties ever. This will include a maximum of 3 edits to edit your voice recording together with the Sound Healing background music to make it a whole and also in Solfeggio frequency, in WAV audio quality, with your voice recording mastered (also in Solfeggio frequency). If you want to use the track as background music while you are doing live streaming or are doing a guided meditation or light language transmission on a YouTube video, then you can just play it as background music when you are recording your video and editting is not nessesary for this. A Sound Healing background music is max 30 minutes. For longer Sound Healing background music we will discuss the possibilities.

You being the owner, a Sound Healing background music can be used multiple times as you like depending of you did a 1 time payment for option 1 or option 2.

SOME DON'TS - What is not allowed?

You can't use Pleiadian Music in digital advertising, marketing or promotion for a brand or company. Neither is it allowed to use Pleiadian Music on a standalone basis, such as in audio samples, sound libraries, music beds or via third parties. This means you cannot sell, stream or distribute Pleiadian Music as a 'music only' product! AGAIN be aware of: Pleiadian Music for commercial usage is intended to be used as background music only! for your audio, video or podcast productions.

For digital advertising, marketing or promotion for a brand or company and for software, game, film, documentaries, TV & media productions please contact or

For inquiries please contact or

With Love & Light, Monica van der Lem, Pleiadian Music

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