Go from Confused to Confident and Nail Your Pageant
Pageant prep can be overwhelming. Are you tired of searching for pageant tips and trying to figure out how to prep for your pageant? Are you struggling to stay focused because you are constantly comparing yourself to other contestants? Do you find yourself with tons of pageant info but are still confused about exactly where to start?
If so... that's why you're gonna love the
Pageant Success Bundle.
Here's a whiff of what's inside:
✅How to create a strategy to win
✅ What you must know about your pageant
✅ How to organize your pageant budget
✅ How to fit pageant prep into your busy schedule
✅ Know your weaknesses and how to fix them
✅ How to instantly boost your self-worth
✅ Instant access to 100 REAL questions from pageant judges
...and MORE!
Meet Your Pageant Mentor & Success Coach
Hi, I’m Ocielia, recognized etiquette and pageant coach, former Miss Black USA and
lover of all things pink and classy. After my first coaching won a tri-state title at her very first pageant, I was hooked on developing and coaching young women to be elite contenders. I’m all about creating OMG-inducing contestants and infusing my clients’ personalities into every element of their execution. And yes, my favorite part of what I do is helping contestants develop the skills to get top scores in their pageant that can transition into their career and business aspirations. Skill development is what I offer; lifetime impact is what you get.
And inside this bundle, I’ll reveal exactly how you can get organized, build your pageant confidence, and make a winning impression of the judges.
Let's get to the goods!