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"Life is Creation. And all of us, spiritual beings living a human experience, have the obligation to exercise the power that has been given to us, to build and create the life that we have always asked for. With the Words you Say, of course.

This book is definitely an invitation Not to explain anything to you, but to get you involved and implicated in everything. And above all, in the discovery of all that potential that already resides in you, which is essential to use now.

Welcome to your own magic. Welcome to discover your own creative power given in every single thing you define through Metalanguage."

José Castorena

First of all, let me thank you all who visit my Online Store. I know you don't know me yet, but what I have to offer will definitely feel known to you deeply, once you get it and read about it. 

Each word will resonate with you, and the Truth, which is only One for all and has been hidden so profoundly within you to blind you for a certain lapse of time until you believe it to be true in your life experience.

You do not know me at all, I know. But I know, as well, that you wish so hard to believe in the words I have to share with you in this EBook, in this new proposal called Metalenguage, because we all actually know that there is something wrong with all the versions we are taught about the World we live in and only have to do with grief, fear, worry, doubt of your powers, guilt and all the lower emotions like shame and disbelief.

I am here not for you to know me. I am here for you to get the Message the YOUniverse has for you about yourself. 

I am here because there was a Divine calling for me to experience some of the worst things in life, to then turn my back away from them, and Say words I had never thought impacted my reality, to create new best circumstances in my life. 

They have taught us that "we cannot do anything about the circumstances we come about."


So, there are not only things you CAN DO about the circumstances you yourself brought upon your life experience, but YOU CAN ALSO PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT YOU SAID FOR THOSE EVENTS TO BE YOURS!

The fact is that once we learn the codes, we use words to define and imprison evey single concept, feeling, vibration into those words. So, you MUST definitely pay very much attention to whatever you say, because IT MATTERS.Literally, it becomes a material physical experience.

So this is an invitation for you to trust me, even you don't know me, in getting my EBook on a Pre-Launch Sale. I will release the EBook on December 1st, 2021. That's right, before this ride ends, for you to start implementing what's in the book and see the results immediately. 

Besides, out of all of you who get the book before the 1st of December, 2021, I will randomly choose 100 of you for a personal Immersion into this methodology to know and experience the Universal Laws called Metalenguage.

And let me tell you this as well, the marketers advise me so hard for me to offer guarantees for you, but I just can't. 

Yes I know you don't know me at all and all the odds are against me on this one. But the only way I can guarantee you the results you wish is when you implement the 9 Steps to Materialize the life of your dreams, included in the book.

So there it is, a terrible offer, I know. But I can promise you an amazing outcome for you, if you take this chance on Metalanguage. I can tell you, it will re-evolutionize the whole world once it gets viral thanks to you. 

Yet, to be fair, you will get a taste of what this is about before you buy it. So you can actually decide on how much is at stake if you do not get Metalanguage in your daily life. You will get a FREE SAMPLE OF IT. 


Once you get the EBook, we will start implementing it, so you can be one of my first testimonies in English speaking countries!

So there it is, my soon-to-be-friends. It's your choice, as always. I can tell you this: 


Looking forward to meeting you already,

José Castorena

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