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Inbox for Service Providers

Raise your hand if you have ever felt personally victimized by your out of control inbox? *looks at 4382 unread emails and frantically waves hand in the air*

You’ve got a stack of emails waiting for a reply, a heap that need actioning and another pile that are just hanging out in digital purgatory (indefinitely)…

Then, a glimmer of hope:

You go searching for one particularly elusive email that you swear you filed under Favorite Client Ever, and decide it’s time to show this inbox who’s in charge around here!

…Until 34 mins later when you emerge with zilch to show for it (except 7 new emails that now need dealing with) and remember exactly who your digital overlord is.

But that all ends today.

In under 1 hour, this video training will show you how to tame that tyrannical inbox and keep it under control, for good.

Inside this workflow training, you’ll learn:
  • The 5 min inbox cleanup hack that’ll breathe life into that dusty ol’ email trap (and get you back on track faster than you can say I am not a digital hoarder)
  • How to increase your response time and avoid missing out on pivotal opportunities (Oprah doesn’t ask twice!)
  • The nifty little trick that will get you to the magical land of Inbox Zero faster than a flying unicorn (yep, it really exists)
You CAN conquer your inbox, you just need to know how.

You will get a PDF (58KB) file

$ 67.00

$ 67.00

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