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Paranormal Romance Lovers Coloring Book

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The only coloring book made especially for paranormal romance lovers! 😍

The PNR Lovers Coloring Book is a labor of true love from 35 romance authors for their fans—and all romance readers—who love to color and to stumble across the perfect new story via challenges.

WIth 46 unique coloring pages that represent 46 reading challenges, this downloadable is truly a special snowflake among coloring books.

This is the exact same coloring book you can buy on Amazon, except this printable version is half the price and, if you choose so, could have paper that is twice as nice as the sheets in the paperback version.


For one, it's interactive with the participating authors—if you want to play! (If not, just enjoy the coloring book aspect of the printable!)

Here's how it works—
  1. You download this printable.
  2. You scan all the reading challenges & coloring pages to find one that appeals to you.
  3. You read a romance that fits the challenge (or not!)
  4. You color the matching hero (and sometimes heroine).
  5. You post your colored picture to Instagram and/or Facebook with #ColorfulRomance
  6. We will be looking for your #ColorfulRomance pictures.
  7. Participating authors will award free ebooks to lucky romance coloring readers!
You will get a PDF (150MB) file

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