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My Productivity Planner

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My Productivity Planner provides you with the strategy to start at any time and track your productivity over an entire year.  Tracking your productivity is essential to helping you monitor your progress to any goals you want to achieve. 

The planner organizes the flow of each day starting with an inspirational quote. For each day of the year, the planner features a daily priorities section, appointment scheduler, a to-do list for the day. 

At the end of each day, the planner provides The  Day In Review section, positive accomplishments, Things to Improve Upon and How I will Improve Them. 

Lastly and most importantly, you are never alone because with the purchase of the Daily Productivity Planner you are invited to join a private Facebook group to share your success and to network with other like-minded people who want to be more productive.  As a member of the Productivity Partnership, you will receive constant updates, interviews with Productive People to inspire you to keep going and never give up on your hopes and dreams. 

I look forward to growing with each of you and to setting and achieving levels of productivity beyond our wildest dreams.  This productivity journal will work with the goal-getting journal to be released on September 2019.
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