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The Ascension

This book is exclusive for starseed - light bearers who are now in the process of Ascension as Gaia moves into her higher dimensional resonance.

May this e-book compilation of best-written awakening articles and books reach only those souls who are truly ready to leave the 3-D Matrix Controlled Reality and embrace the Fifth Dimension....Aside from following Gurus and spiritual teachers...Self- reading and self-discovery are the two most effective ways to true and deep-seated spiritual awakening...May this e-book give its reader strength of heart and tenacity of spirit not to crack under the pressure of the ascension in the physical form we are all in right now.


  • Starseed-Light Bearers' Code
  • Ascension Symptoms and Stages
  • Yeshua's Channeled Messages 
  • Assimilated and Simplified Light Codes
  • Effective Meditation Techniques
  • How to live in a Higher Dimensional Plane
  • Collection of Best E-books written about Universal Laws and Manifestations
  • Best written articles about Ascension
This e-book is a mini-library that you might be grateful for Spirit to have someday for we are just in Ascension's beginning phases right now...Harder and greater challenges are ahead of us thus, knowledge is a very powerful tool that everyone on Gaia should have to smoothly surf in this Ascension process with ease and grace,

May the Source be with us all. Namaste...Humanity will make it.

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