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Social Media Planner

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I have been an entrepreneur for over a decade and I have coaches over 500 entrepreneurs to date, and the constant is not being able to figure out the secret sauce for sales. This planner is intended for you to be intentional - for you to fail and fail fast to get to your win. That's right FAIL Don't be afraid of it entrepreneur, because the truth is you will do it often, as you run ads, do Tiktoks, make YouTube videos. Everything won't be viral or resonate with your audience(and I suggest you buy the Avatar workbook for that) but you know what your numbers will do? Keeping the data you will have record of what works - so you can keep doing it and be more innovative each time. You know what people resonate with in my social media post - information, so I lean heavy on that when making content. And when I did that I started converting sales. I hope this planner helps you figure out what I did so you can scale your business and work ON and not IN your business.

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