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Benu Media Indie Publishing Guide - ebook

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Writers considering indie or self-publishing might have heard that they should treat it as a business decision, but many might wonder what that means in practice. What are the steps? How does one take a manuscript and turn it into a book?

The Benu Media Indie Publishing Guide will step through the different phases of a project in a series of blog posts. The guide assumes that you:

  1. Have never self-published a book before, or have published a book or two with results you’re not satisfied with
  2. Have not finished a novel, or have been revising without settling on a final draft
  3. Do not have a background in business functions like sales, marketing, finance, or product development
  4. Have decided to self-publish but don’t know how to start, or are trying to decide which publishing path to take and want more information

It is not intended to provide financial or legal advice. Authorpreneurs must be prepared to take on risk, including spending money to produce a book that might not sell.

This guide also does not guarantee success. Even with a top-notch book and excellent preparation, there are factors outside anyone’s direct control that can make a book hit or miss. Please note that your mileage may vary depending on any number of factors.

If you're ready to start your indie author journey with strong foundations, don't miss this guide!

Companion Material

The talk "Creative Cartography: Drawing the Map to a Successful Writing Business" offers some of the information in this guide in an audio-visual format. The talk also comes with a worksheet to help you put what you learn into action.

You will get a EPUB (467KB) file

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