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Stella LLC (Term) Out For a Gimp and Ride in her Annoying Cast Shoe with Foot Play (in HD 1920X1080)

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Stella gimps out in her full leg cast to meet her friend for a day out its cold and her toes are freezing so they get in her friend’s car to get to their location. In the car she keeps wiggling her exposed toes (Nice closeups) to try and get them warm and she does that a lot outside too as well (with closeups). When they reach their destination in the car Stella needs a lot of help keeping her cast shoe on right. She drags her casted leg out and to the side as she walks, and her friend is constantly helping her adjust it often bending down to do so. Her naked toes all get cold in the cast boot and her friend massages her toes through the open shoe for her and helps adjust her pinkie toe in the shoe because the open edges rubbing against it are making it painful for her to walk. This bending down each time gets tiresome and Stella offers to prop her foot up so her friend can pull off the open cast boot entirely while Stella airs out her toes. Her friend then readjusts Stella’s cast shoe more appropriately so it will stay in place. Something couldn't do very well because it was difficult reaching her stiff leg. They continue walking and get to a cafe that turns out to be closed necessitating Stella needlessly going up and down stairs and her friend having to readjust her cast shoe yet again. lots and lots of closeups of Stella's cute toes in this one!

LENGTH: 18 Mins
SIZE: 1324 Mb
RESOLUTION: 1920x1080
UPDATE: 10/23/21

You will get a MP4 (1GB) file

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