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Customized Social Media Campaign With Facebook And Twitter

This is more than just an ebook. We provide an online marketing/promotional service thru Facebook and Twitter. Our service is likely the best promotional service you would find for Facebook and Twitter, giving you maximum exposure, along with maximum gains in followers and likes. We run the campaign for a week. You could submit as many pages as you like (one order, one page), or even resell the service. With each order you would also receive an ebook with guidelines on how to maintain maximum activity and ROI from your social media accounts/pages. We change the ebook randomly so you would keep getting new uptodate guides for Facebook or Twitter.
How It Works:
*  Purchase the product on the page
*  Send both your Twitter and Facebook links to:
*  Within 24 hours we begin a dual campaign for both your Facebook and Twitter pages

You will get a PDF (1MB) file

$ 199.99

$ 199.99

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