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Grieve Your Ego, Heal Your Mind

"A problem cannot be solved at the same level of consciousness that created it" - Albert Einstein

While most medical approaches to mental health keep people stuck in addictions to drugs or co-dependent behaviours WITHIN our existing mind patterns, this revolutionary online course will start you on the journey to realise the truth of being the detached observer and master of your mind.

Why I created this course

My quest for inner peace began in 2005 when, while studying at Oxford University, I had my first spiritual crisis, which was triggered by the unnecessary prescription of an antidepressant. Knowing intuitively that neither medicine nor therapy would help me integrate and heal my experience, I buried the trauma and threw myself back into "normal life", finishing my degree and using exercise as a way to stay grounded while I pursued my career in professional administration. However, more emotional, spiritual and mental work was needed, so a long journey of inner work, combined with subsequent crises, forced me to face my deepest demons until they were resolved. 

My journey has taken me into the realms of Buddhism, mysticism, philosophy, Jungian psychology, and the study of science which questions the materialist paradigm on which western medicine is currently founded. Most importantly, my journey has connected me with other people from all walks of life, each of whom has been a uniquely invaluable teacher for me.

The healing really began when I started to release my attachment to intellect, knowledge, and my past, in order to embrace life's joys and simplicities in the present.

In this course, I share the observations and philosophies that helped me to detach from the egoic mind, combined with practical strategies to ease tension, and feel consistently connected in love to all other beings. I also use coaching to hold space for you to expand into the most empowered version of yourself and the Master of your Mind.

in this course, You will learn:

  • Why the medical approach to mental health is rooted in co-dependency
  • How human awareness responds to emotional pain
  • How YOU are the sole creator of YOUR reality via your conscious and unconscious beliefs
  • The importance of developing a loving relationship with your thoughts
  • How a modern approach to spirituality can release you from both religious and scientific dogma
  • How to develop a healthy mindset towards improving your mental health
  • How to transform difficult realities by accepting them with grace and courage
  • How the mind functions as a nonphysical organ of the human being
  • How to use depression, spiritual emergency and psychosis as mechanisms for long-term psychological healing
  • How to transform unwanted and painful emotions into creative and peace-making energies (alchemy)
  • Why psychological healing is nonlinear
  • How to release suicidal and other unwanted thoughts
  • How to release trauma from cellular memory through gentle somatic practices
  • How to reduce addictions through gradually embracing the discomfort they mask
  • Why healing the world begins with healing your relationship to yourself and your closest loved ones

You will also be guided to a host of relevant reading material, links, and communities to support you on your journey.

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Click here to register for a free consultation call to discuss the fit between your needs and this programme